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I Tested 5 Common Keratosis Pilaris Products for 30 Days

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Products Tested


Body Scrub

First Aid Beauty KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub with 10% AHA

Day 1

Before starting the experiment, I did a patch test for each product to make sure that they do not cause any or inflammation io harmness on my skin. All products have been tested on my skin and the results are based on my own experience. This is not an official wellness recommendation.

I figuratively divided both of my upper arms into two different areas on which I used certain products twice a day. For the upper area of the left hand I used Eucerin, for the lower area I used CeraVe.
To the upper area of the right hand I used PAULA’S CHOICE, for the lower area I used AmLactin.

I also used First Aid Beauty KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub on the entire area of ​​both hands 2-3 times a week.

After One Month

Left hand before and afterㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Right hand before and after‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

The Results

Left Hand

I used Eucerin Roughness Relief for the upper area of the left hand and CeraVe SA Smoothing Cream for the lower area.
Both products reduced redness and skin roughness. Primarily, I want to highlight the moisturizing properties of CeraVe. It’s probably the best moisturizer I’ve ever used. Its texture is kind of thick but light and silky soft. I plan to write a longer review of each product later. For my experience, Eucerin is a basic everyday moisturizer with a good price/quality ratio. Eucerin’s main exfoliating ingredient is urea and does not contain large amounts of AHA or BHA acids. In my own experience, urea did little to reduce my keratosis pilaris.

Right Hand

I used PAULAS Weightless Body Treatment 2% BHA for the upper area of the right hand and AmLactin KP Bumps Be Gone Cream for the lower area.
I’m surprised how big the difference is compared to my left hand. Both products reduced redness, roughness, and significantly reduced my keratosis pilaris.
Although the difference to the prevalence of my keratosis pilaris on the left hand is large, I feel that Eucerin and especially CeraVe moisturized the skin better. I could say that the products that contained AHA or BHA acids as the main ingredient (PAULAS, AmLactin and CeraVe) for exfoliating the skin work better in reducing my keratosis pilaris.

I also have to mention the First Aid Beauty KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub which I used on both hands. I believe it helped exfoliate the skin, but there was no comparison point in this test. I’ve already started testing head-to-head with another product that I use on my thighs, so I’ll come back to that later.


Each product helped my keratosis pilaris symptoms. I am genuinely surprised by how clear the results are after only one month of use. The left-hand products are significantly more affordable and I would say they are good everyday moisturizers. The products I use on the right hand are mainly advertised as exfoliating products that are consciously the primary treatment for keratosis pilaris.
With my own experience, these products are more valuable for a reason.
However, I would like to use a good exfoliating product and a good moisturizer to treat my keratosis pilaris. At this point, I would choose either AmLactin KP Bumps Be Gone Cream or PAULA’S CHOICE Weightless Body Treatment as an exfoliating product, and will use CeraVe SA Cream for daily moisturizing of the skin.
In the future, I plan to test different products containing urea to compare them with Eucerin Roughness Relief.

Individual product reviews here or listed below.

First Aid Beauty – KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub 10% AHA – REVIEW

AmLactin- KP Bumps Be Gone Cream with 15% Lactic Acid AHA – REVIEW

Paula’s Choice Weightless Body Treatment 2% BHA – REVIEW

Eucerin – Roughness Relief Body Lotion – REVIEW

CeraVe – SA Cream for Rough & Bumpy Skin – REVIEW

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